How to remove unwanted followers on Instagram.

Let’s face it, not all followers on Instagram are beneficial. Some might be spam accounts, bots, or people you simply don’t want to interact with. It can be frustrating to see your follower count include individuals or accounts that don’t align with your content or personal values. If you’re here, you probably want a clean, engaged follower base that genuinely interacts with your posts. In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps to remove unwanted followers on Instagram, ensuring that your online community is exactly how you want it to be.


Why Removing Unwanted Followers Matters

You might wonder why it’s necessary to remove unwanted followers in the first place. Isn’t it good to have a high follower count? While having many followers might seem beneficial, quality is far more important than quantity on Instagram. Here’s why:

  1. Engagement Rate: Instagram’s algorithm favors accounts with higher engagement rates. If you have a large number of followers who don’t engage with your content, it can negatively impact your visibility.
  2. Brand Integrity: If you’re using Instagram for professional purposes, the quality of your followers can reflect on your brand. A follower list full of spam accounts can make your profile seem less credible.
  3. Personal Comfort: It’s your space, after all. You should feel comfortable with your audience, whether it’s a personal or business account.

How to Identify Unwanted Followers on Instagram

Before you start removing followers, it’s important to identify which ones are unwanted. Here’s how you can spot them:

  1. Spam Accounts and Bots: These are usually accounts with no profile picture, strange usernames, and little to no posts. They often follow a large number of people but have few followers themselves.
  2. Inactive Accounts: Followers who haven’t interacted with your content in a long time or haven’t posted anything on their own profiles could be considered inactive.
  3. Inappropriate or Offensive Accounts: Any accounts that make you uncomfortable or go against your personal or brand values should be removed.
  4. Commercial Accounts with No Relevance: Accounts that only promote products or services and have no real interest in your content.

Steps to Remove Unwanted Followers on Instagram

1. Manual Removal Method

This is the most straightforward way to remove a follower. Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to your profile and tap on your followers’ list.
  • Scroll through the list and identify the followers you want to remove.
  • Next to each follower, you’ll see a ‘Remove’ button. Tap it, and they’ll be removed from your follower list.

When you remove a follower this way, they won’t be notified. They will simply stop seeing your posts on their feed.

2. Blocking Followers

If a follower is being particularly problematic or if you want to ensure they cannot follow you again, blocking is a more permanent solution. Here’s how to block a follower:

  • Go to the profile of the follower you want to block.
  • Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of their profile.
  • Select ‘Block’ and confirm.

Blocking not only removes them from your followers but also prevents them from seeing your profile and posts.

3. Switch to a Private Account

If you’re concerned about who can follow you in the future, consider switching your account to private. This way, you’ll have control over who can follow you. Here’s how to make your account private:

  • Go to your profile and tap on the three lines in the top right corner.
  • Select ‘Settings’ and then ‘Privacy.’
  • Toggle the ‘Private Account’ option on.

With a private account, you’ll receive follow requests that you can approve or deny.

Common Questions About Removing Followers on Instagram

Q: Will the person know if I remove them as a follower?
A: No, Instagram does not notify users when they are removed from someone’s follower list. They might notice if they check your profile, but there’s no direct notification.

Q: Can I remove followers in bulk?
A: Unfortunately, Instagram does not offer a feature to remove followers in bulk. You’ll need to remove each follower individually, which can be time-consuming if you have many unwanted followers.

Q: Will removing a follower affect my engagement?
A: Removing inactive or spam followers can actually improve your engagement rate, as your content will be seen and interacted with by a more genuine audience.

Q: Can I remove followers if my account is private?
A: Yes, you can still remove followers if your account is private. In fact, having a private account gives you more control over your follower list, as you can choose who to approve or deny.

My Experience with Removing Unwanted Followers

When I first started using Instagram, I was excited to see my follower count grow. But soon, I noticed a lot of these followers were spam accounts, bots, or people who never interacted with my content. It was disheartening because I wanted an engaged community, not just a high follower count.

I decided to take action. I went through my followers list and started removing those who didn’t fit into my vision of a genuine and supportive community. It was a tedious process, but the result was worth it. My engagement rate improved, and my feed felt more personal and relevant. Now, I know that every like, comment, and follow is from someone who genuinely appreciates what I share.

One day, I received a message from a new follower who found my account after I had cleaned up my follower list. They told me how much they enjoyed my content and how it inspired them. It was a small but meaningful reminder that having a smaller, engaged audience can be far more rewarding than a large, indifferent one.

Conclusion: Curating Your Instagram Community

Removing unwanted followers on Instagram is about curating a space that aligns with your personal or professional values. It’s about quality over quantity. Whether you’re managing a personal account or building a brand, your follower list should reflect a community that supports and engages with your content.

Take the time to go through your followers and make your Instagram a place where you feel comfortable and valued. It’s your digital space, and you have the right to decide who gets to be a part of it. Remember, it’s not just about numbers; it’s about building connections that matter.

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