How to add links in Instagram Stories.

If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re trying to figure out how to add links to your Instagram Stories. Maybe you’ve seen brands or influencers share direct links and wondered how they did it. Good news—you’re in the right place! This article will show you how to add links to your Instagram Stories, even if you’re new to this feature. We’ll also answer common questions and clear up some of the most confusing parts of using Instagram links.


Why Adding Links to Instagram Stories is So Powerful

Before we jump into the ‘how,’ let’s talk about why this feature is such a game-changer. Instagram Stories are one of the most effective tools for driving traffic outside of Instagram. Whether you’re promoting a blog post, a product, or a new video, linking in your Stories lets followers instantly access your content. No more “link in bio” and hoping people will take the extra step to find your link. You can take them straight to your content in one simple swipe!

But here’s the catch: for a long time, this feature was only available to accounts with over 10,000 followers. That frustrated a lot of smaller businesses and influencers who couldn’t take advantage of this direct link feature. However, Instagram has since rolled out this feature to all users in the form of Link Stickers.

What is the Instagram Link Sticker?

Let’s get this cleared up right away. You may have heard about the “Swipe Up” feature that larger accounts used. As of now, Instagram has replaced the Swipe Up with something called the Link Sticker. Unlike the old feature, the Link Sticker is available for everyone, no matter your follower count.

Here’s what makes it even better:

  1. Customizable: You can move it around anywhere in your Story.
  2. More Engagement: Stickers often get more clicks than swipe-up links did because they’re visually engaging.

How to Add Links Using the Instagram Link Sticker

Now, let’s break it down into simple steps:

  1. Create Your Story: First, open Instagram, swipe right, and take or upload your Story content (photo, video, or Boomerang).
  2. Tap on the Sticker Icon: Once your Story is ready, click the Sticker icon (the smiley face at the top of your screen).
  3. Find the “Link” Sticker: Scroll down until you see the “Link” Sticker.
  4. Add Your URL: When you tap the Link Sticker, you’ll be prompted to enter the URL you want to share. Double-check for typos!
  5. Place the Sticker: Once your link is added, you can move the Sticker around on your Story. Try placing it somewhere visible, but not too distracting.
  6. Share: Now, hit “Share” and watch your followers engage!

FAQ: Common Questions About Adding Links to Instagram Stories

  1. Who can add links to Instagram Stories? Anyone! Instagram no longer restricts links to accounts with 10,000+ followers. All accounts can now use the Link Sticker.
  2. Can I add multiple links to one Story? No, currently Instagram only allows one Link Sticker per Story.
  3. Can I track how many people clicked my link? Yes! Just go to your Story insights, and you’ll see the number of taps on your Link Sticker.
  4. Do I need a business account to use the Link Sticker? No, this feature is available for personal, creator, and business accounts.
  5. Can I change the text on the Link Sticker? Unfortunately, Instagram doesn’t allow text customization on the Link Sticker yet. However, you can add text in your Story to explain the link.

Using Instagram Links for Your Brand

Now that you know how to add a link, let’s talk about how to use this feature to grow your brand. Adding a link to your Stories isn’t just about giving people information—it’s about creating a seamless journey for your audience. Here are a few ways you can use it strategically:

  1. Promote New Products: Direct followers to your product page.
  2. Drive Traffic to Your Blog: Share your latest blog post, and add the link to the Story.
  3. Run a Giveaway: Share a direct link to your giveaway page or form.
  4. Promote Events: Whether it’s a webinar, live event, or conference, send your followers straight to the registration page.

A Pro Tip for Boosting Engagement

Here’s something most people overlook: don’t just throw a link in and expect results. You need to create curiosity or incentivize your followers to click. Try these:

  • “Swipe up to see my latest blog post on how to master Instagram!”
  • “Click the link to get 10% off my new collection!”
  • “Tap here for a surprise!”

Remember, the more compelling your Story, the more likely people are to click your link. You can’t just add the Link Sticker and expect it to do all the work. The Story itself has to be engaging.

Why Timing Matters

Another thing to consider is when you post your Story. To get the most clicks, share your Story during peak engagement hours. These vary depending on your audience, but generally, evenings and weekends perform well. You can also use Instagram Insights to figure out when your followers are most active.

My Personal Story with Instagram Links

I remember when I first learned about adding links to Instagram Stories. I had just started a small online shop, and I was struggling to get traffic. I spent hours creating posts and promoting them, but most of my followers were too lazy to go to my bio to click the link. It was frustrating!

Then, I heard about the Link Sticker feature. I tried it out by sharing a new product line, and to my surprise, the engagement skyrocketed. The convenience of being able to click straight from the Story made all the difference. It was like I had finally unlocked a door to a new audience that had been waiting to see what I had to offer. Since then, adding links has become an essential part of my social media strategy, and my business has only grown from there.


Adding links to your Instagram Stories is not just a feature; it’s a powerful tool that can transform your online presence. Whether you’re a small business, influencer, or someone just looking to share valuable content, using the Link Sticker can increase engagement and drive traffic like never before. The key is to be strategic, engaging, and thoughtful about how you use this feature.

So, what are you waiting for? Try it out today and see how it can help you achieve your goals on Instagram!

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