How to create polls and quizzes on Instagram stories?

If you’ve ever wondered how to engage your Instagram audience better, you’re in the right place. Creating polls and quizzes on Instagram stories is one of the most effective ways to spark interaction, get feedback, and understand your audience more deeply. In this article, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process, answering all your burning questions, and by the end, you’ll be ready to use polls and quizzes like a pro.

Why Use Polls and Quizzes on Instagram?

Instagram Stories are a powerful tool to keep your audience engaged, and polls and quizzes make them even more interactive. According to recent statistics, Instagram Stories have over 500 million active users daily, and the engagement rate is higher when interactive elements like polls and quizzes are used. If you’re aiming to boost your Instagram performance, these features are a must!


How to Create a Poll on Instagram Stories?

The beauty of Instagram is how user-friendly it is, and adding polls is no exception. Here’s how to create your first poll:

  1. Open Instagram: Go to your home page and swipe right to open the camera.
  2. Take or Upload a Photo/Video: You can snap a photo, record a short video, or upload content from your gallery.
  3. Tap the Sticker Icon: Once your content is ready, tap on the square smiley face sticker icon at the top.
  4. Select the “Poll” Sticker: Scroll through the available stickers and select the one labeled “Poll.”
  5. Write Your Question: You’ll be given a box to type in your poll question. Keep it short and engaging. A simple “Which do you prefer?” works wonders!
  6. Customize the Answers: Instagram gives you two default options, “Yes” and “No,” but feel free to be creative. Customize the answers to fit your poll.
  7. Place the Poll: Drag and drop the poll to position it anywhere on the screen.
  8. Post the Story: Once you’re happy with the setup, hit the “Your Story” button to share it.

That’s it! Your followers can now vote, and you can check the results in real-time.

How to Create a Quiz on Instagram Stories?

Creating quizzes follows a similar path but with a little twist:

  1. Open Instagram Stories: Again, swipe right to access the camera.
  2. Upload a Photo or Video: Choose what you’d like to post, either by taking a new photo or video or by selecting one from your gallery.
  3. Tap the Sticker Icon: Just like in the poll, tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Select the “Quiz” Sticker: This time, choose the “Quiz” option.
  5. Write Your Question: Enter your quiz question in the text box. It could be something fun like, “What’s my favorite color?” or something informative about your brand.
  6. Add Multiple-Choice Answers: You can add up to four options. Don’t forget to choose the correct answer by tapping on the option that’s right.
  7. Position the Quiz: Drag the quiz to the right spot on the screen.
  8. Share Your Story: Click on “Your Story” to post your quiz, and watch the answers roll in!

Frequently Asked Questions About Instagram Polls and Quizzes

When I first started using these features, I had many questions, and I’m sure you might too. Here are the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) I’ve encountered:

1. Can I see who voted on my poll or quiz?

Yes, Instagram allows you to see the names of people who voted, along with which option they selected. To view this, open your story and swipe up; the analytics will appear.

2. How long do Instagram polls and quizzes stay up?

Like all Instagram Stories, polls and quizzes last for 24 hours unless you save them to a Highlight.

3. Can I customize the colors of my poll or quiz?

Yes! Tap the color wheel at the top to change the background of your poll or quiz sticker, making it more cohesive with your story design.

4. What happens if I make a mistake in my quiz or poll?

Unfortunately, once a poll or quiz is posted, you can’t edit it. But you can delete it and repost with the corrections.

The Power of Polls and Quizzes: A Case Study

Let me share a personal story to show you just how impactful these features can be. A few months ago, I was working on a social media campaign for a small business that was struggling to understand what their followers wanted. We decided to create a series of polls and quizzes about product preferences and brand identity. The result? Engagement rates skyrocketed, and we gained a much clearer understanding of our audience. This not only led to better content creation but also boosted sales.

One particular quiz asked, “Which new product should we launch next?” The overwhelming majority of responses favored a product we hadn’t even fully considered. It turned out to be a huge hit, simply because we listened to our audience through Instagram Stories.

Conclusion: Using Polls and Quizzes for Your Brand

Polls and quizzes on Instagram Stories are not just fun; they’re incredibly effective tools to engage your audience and gather valuable insights. Whether you’re a business owner looking to understand customer preferences or an influencer trying to spark conversation, these features are a game-changer. Try them out today and watch your engagement grow!

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